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SAFE & HEALTHY drinking water for communities in need
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Upcoming Projects
We have partnered with LifePump to replace Mark II pumps that currently last on average for 6-12 months. By switching to LifePump we will expand the life of the pump to 20+ years.
We will continue to partner with LifePump in replacing 10 additional wells throughout Haiti. The goal is to raise $100,000 to accomplish this by the end of 2019.
By the year 2020 we have set a goal to replace and repair, at minimum 20 wells throughout Haiti. These new pumps will provide clean drinking water for 40,000 Haitians daily for 20+ years.
Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future.
Our goal is to repair all 1,500 inactive wells, also upgrading all damaged pumps, over a 3 year period. Three project levels are planned with a completion date for the first level, repair 350 wells, targeted for 2018.
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